The Family Center benefits from the support of many private funders, but our relationship with The Greater NYC Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure® is extra special. For several years now, we have received a Community Breast Health Program grant from the Komen Greater NYC Foundation to provide supportive services to 120 minority breast cancer survivors and their family members residing in Brooklyn’s most economically-challenged neighborhoods. In addition, Family Center Executive Director Ivy Gamble Cobb currently serves on the Komen Greater NYC Board of Directors, and chairs their Grants and Education Policy Committee.
Working continually to strengthen this wonderful partnership on behalf of New York City’s breast cancer survivors, The Family Center organizes a team, the Pink Ladies & Gents, for the Komen Greater NYC Race for the Cure every year. This year, the Race takes place on Sunday, September 18th in Central Park. Please click here now to sponsor or join our team! Together, we can run breast cancer out of town!