For Clients & Providers

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Family Center attorneys work in courts throughout New York City and represent residents from throughout the five borough, who are affected by severe illness, in the areas of:

  • Housing (nonpayment, holdover, succession),
  • Family and matrimonial actions (custody, visitation, child support, divorce, guardianship, Surrogacy Court 17-A),
  • Public benefits administrative hearings (federal and state) and
  • Lifetime planning (advance directives, wills).

While we can’t help everyone, no one leaves our office without information, guidance and referrals to other agencies.

Our attorneys serve approximately 1,100 clients a year, and help them to resolve 1,400 legal matters.

Who should contact us?

  • Anyone suffering from severe illness.
  • Any family member of someone suffering from severe illness.
  • Anyone with a legal question that has arisen because of illness.
  • Doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, social workers, case managers, case planners, lawyers, paralegals, law schools clinics, schools administrators, courts, clergy or…
  • Anyone who regularly works with individuals and families affected by severe illness.

Most client questions can be addressed quickly by contacting The Family Center Legal Wellness Institute by calling (718) 230-1379 ext.150 or emailing [email protected].