Family Stabilization and Counseling Program

Addressing the needs of NYC’s HIV-affected families was the founding mission of The Family Center in 1994. Today our services have expanded and evolved with the HIV epidemic.

Our Family Stabilization program serves HIV+ individuals and HIV-affected families throughout New York City, with expertise in managing symptoms of depression, anxiety and trauma, improving relationships and family dynamics, addiction treatment adherence and self-care. Our staff also provide support in managing concrete issues that can get in the way of improved emotional and physical health, such as benefits our housing issues, or lack of needed services for children or other family members.

Our research has found that children are more likely to remain in safe, stable homes with their biological parents when developmental assessments have been conducted.  Family Center social-service, health and early childhood experts conduct a wide variety of assessments in order to provide our client families with appropriate, high-quality services that keep them stronger, longer. (Click image to enlarge)

These services are available in the home, in all five boroughs, and include the following:

  • Individual Counseling, with specialization in family transitions, trauma and self-care

  • Support around disclosure including talking to partners and children about your HIV status

  • Specialized counseling and education focused on treatment adherence

  • Prevention counseling for sero-discordant couples

  • Developing a permanency plan to address who would care for children if a parent becomes incapacitated or dies

  • Case management and advocacy to ensure that HIV+ individuals and their families have all the services and benefits that they need

  • Accompaniment to critical medical or other appointments

  • A range of group programming

  • Collaboration with TFC’s Legal Wellness Institute on family law, housing, lifetime planning and benefits matters


Eligibility: Across the five boroughs of New York City, most people living with HIV will be eligible for services under one of our contracts. We can also serve HIV-affected families with minor children, even if the HIV+ individual is not in the household. Services can be delivered in the office or home. Please call our intake line for details at 718-230-1379 x140.

Languages: Services are available in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole.

These services are generously supported by the AIDS Institute and federal Ryan White funds granted through the New York City Department of Health.