Artist Angeli Rasbury Ensures Our Youth Voices Matter

Bed-Stuy artist, author and educator Angeli Rasbury has been working with The Family Center children and teens for the last two years.  Earlier this year, she conducted workshops through Our Voices Matter, a project supported by a grant from the Brooklyn Arts Council.

Angeli says, "I am honored and immensely inspired working with children and youth."  The Family Center is grateful for Angeli's enthusiasm and expertise!

Enjoy the photos (taken prior to the pandemic) and virtual exhibition below.

Artwork being created with Rasbury's guidance

A child working on a self portrait

A final self portrait

A final self portrait

A final self portrait -this one with some character traits called out!

A self portrait that was also displayed at last year's Holiday Party

A final self portrait

In Rasbury's earlier work with our youth, teens painted skateboards

A portrait of Justice Thurgood Marshall on a skateboard

Rasbury with The Family Center's young artists