Be Our Valentine

Valentine's Event FlyerFriday the 13th is supposed to be ominous, but at The Family Center last Friday it was all about celebrating Valentine’s Day. The B-WEL program (Brooklyn Women Enjoying Life) hosted a women-only Valentine’s Dinner which was an opportunity to meet new friends, eat good food and celebrate our most special someone: ourselves!

Despite the frigid temperatures, twelve women came out for the event. Not only did they show up, but they were decked out in pinks and reds in keeping with our theme! After appetizers, introductions and mingling on the third floor, we went upstairs for a sit down dinner on the fifth floor complete with red tablecloths and decorations. After dinner, the group decorated freshly baked, heart-shaped cookies.

Val- Group- 4 WordPressThis event was a great reminder that even minor holidays, like Valentine’s Day, can heighten feelings of depression or loneliness. It was touching to hear from clients how much the evening meant to them.

One guest noted that she is always hoping her kids will invite her out for Valentine’s Day, but instead they ask her to babysit. This year, she was delighted to be able to say,

Sorry, I am going out!

Valentine’s Dinner is definitely going to become a TFC tradition!