Our Voices Matter

Throughout the extended pandemic period that has disrupted our lives and transformed ways of thinking, Angeli Rasbury has remained committed to helping The Family Center's youngest clients make art.

At the start of 2021, virtual workshops as part of the Our Voices Matter project was not something she had given any thought.  We’d  planned in-person workshops, but our plans were forced to change due to Covid.  In response, Angeli felt it was important to adapt the workshops and do her best to share her love for art and the magic of the supplies The Family Center sent to the families' homes. Her main goal was to help the clients have fun and build confidence. 

"I feel great when I'm doing art," Angel says.  "I'm having a lot of fun.  I like to paint."  He describes the process as magic, watching the water soluble pastels turn into his art.  His favorite tool to work with is the paint markers.

Enjoy youth client artwork below.
