On Wednesday, September 30th, The Family Center hosted a Caregiver Appreciation Lunch for grandparents and other caregivers, who have courageously stepped forward to care for children not biologically theirs. The celebration involved lots of laughter and was a joyful culmination of September as Kinship Care Month.
The last Census Bureau report on this issue was released in 2012 and revealed that nationwide, 2.7 million grandparents are the primary caregivers of their grandchildren. The Family Center has long recognized the important role that grandparents and other caregivers play in raising children in our community. Since our inception, Family Center social workers and attorneys have provided their expert services to grandparent- and caregiver-headed households in New York City.
The Family Center is proud to partner with the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) to offer our comprehensive package of legal, social and health services to caregiver families. We were also delighted to read New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Proclamation about September as Kinship Care Month –click here to download a copy for yourself!
Together with the Governor and OCFS, we salute grandparents and caregivers! Thank you for your commitment to children who need your loving care and guidance!